Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

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Desmond Marshall

Managing Director, Rouge Ventures

Hong Kong

Desmond Marshall is a 20-year leading strategist and consultant in the areas of creative high-end customer and investor motivation methods, helping various international and local businesses to achieve revenue and competitive results. Desmond is also an investor and the organiser for one of Hong Kong's most significant entreprenur funding event: Pitch Perfect. He is also an active public speaker, trainer and collaborates with various organisations, an executive coach to the Federation of Hong Kong industries, and is an advisor to the Hong Kong Government.

馬穎釗先生(Desmond Marshall):中國消費心理動機研究院主席,Rouge Ventures 總經理, 具有20多年從事有關中國香港企業投資推動力戰略、銷售行銷的工作, 曾跟多家國際名牌銀行和知名品牌合作, 協助這些公司達到預期的營利目標及提升營運效率。Desmond 現主要為種子基金/天使/資本投資人/公司VC等, 提供專業的策略管理服務, 為旗下所投的專案提高競爭力, 包裝上市融資;同時, Desmond 亦為高端品牌公司提供高管級別的培訓, 主要針對如何推動新舊客戶銷售動機以及高管行政課程。Desmond現同時為香港政府工業貿易署及多家企業作顧問, 針對企業中國香港的營運模式提出策略建議, 亦是香港最有特色的融資企業路演+投資人活動- Pitch Perfect 的創辦人。

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