Alan Webb
Education Innovator & Facilitator
San Francisco
Alan Webb is the founder of the Open Master’s, a global community for self-directed learners which empowers inspiring folks like you to create their own education without having to bide time, take on unnecessary debt, or seek external validation of their worth from degree programs for the wrong reasons. He is also a learning guide, working one-on-one with individuals to clarify and follow through with their goals, and with organizations to design and facilitate effective learning programs. In the past Alan has been a full-time coach of social entrepreneurs at an creative incubator at the University of Virginia called HackCville, a social entrepreneurship program in Tibet, and a consortium of colleges across Appalachia. In another life, Alan was a carbon analyst and sustainability strategist for one of the largest property companies in the world, based in Sydney, Australia. Lately, he has been on a DIY-everything binge, letterpress printing, screen-printing, and sewing Open Master’s materials and making standing desks from reclaimed materials.
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