The New Era of Nonprofit Fundraising

The New Era of Nonprofit Fundraising | Raleigh

About this event

It is estimated that Americans donate over 300 billion dollars a year to charity; however, the psychological factors that govern whether people elect to get involved or give are still not well understood.

Oftentimes, foundations and nonprofits are missing out on opportunities to get more individuals to donate to their organization because they don't understand the human decision-making process.

This talk will examine the efficacy of fundraising strategies commonly used by social good organizations and make concrete recommendations on how to make these fundraising campaigns more effective by leveraging behavioral economic theories. The talk will showcase how to apply these theories to online and offline properties and share the profound impact they can have helping nonprofits move their audiences to action.

Nate will highlight the most intriguing, surprising, and enlightening approaches on the topic of donation and engagement behavior. This will open up exciting pathways to cross-cutting the divide between theory and practice and how these behavioral economic theories can be executed in the nonprofit space.

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