[IN-PERSON] Python + Machine Learning 2-Day Intensive Workshop

Online Campus


Past Locations for this Workshop Series

[IN-PERSON] Python + Machine Learning 2-Day Intensive Workshop | Online

Online Campus


Past Locations for this Workshop Series

About this workshop series

The Python + Machine Learning 2-Day Intensive Workshop covers the curriculum of our Python 1-Day Fundamentals Workshop and incorporates a second day of applied machine learning content.

Machine Learning is perhaps the most powerful force in technology, and Python is the most popular language for doing it.

This workshop will introduce you to the most important machine learning concepts in a way that’s clear, accessible, and easy to put into action. With no assumed knowledge of Machine Learning, you’ll understand how to think about and interpret Machine Learning problems and learn best practices for using the most popular machine learning techniques in a variety of domains.

We’ll cover Python’s major data science libraries (Numpy, Pandas, and SciKit Learn), and builds to advance your skills and understanding.

This Python & Machine Learning 2-Day Intensive Workshop is the interactive and hands-on way to get started on understanding, building, and interpreting machine learning models using the Python ecosystem. You will dive head first into Python, skill up with exercises, and by the end of the day you'll know how to implement state-of-the-art machine learning techniques on your own data.

This workshop is for beginners. No prior knowledge or experience required.


  • How to use Numpy and Pandas to import and organise your data.
  • The different types of machine learning problems, and when to use different methods.
  • Best practices for prepping your data to make it Machine Learning ready.
  • Regression Algorithms, and how to use them to predict continuous data.
  • Classification algorithms, and how to use them to predict binary outcomes.
  • Relative strengths and weaknesses of different Machine learning techniques.
  • Best practices to make sure your models can handle data they haven’t seen before.
  • Advice on future learning paths depending on your desired career goals.
  • Visualise the results of your analysis.

Prereqs & Preparation

Install Anaconda prior to class.

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